Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Christmas Tree" Completed

I felt stuck for a long time and left the painting alone. It felt like it was time to add the metallic gold, but I knew once I did that I would be limited on the changes I could make… so I did nothing. Finally bit the bullet and did it. (Used mainly Daniel Smith’s powdered gold watercolors.) Santa was looking good but I felt I had to separate him from the rest of the painting to make him pop. So I darkened the area surrounding the ornament. I lost some of the subtle colors that I thought were really beautiful, but it was the right thing to do. I am pleased with the way Santa turned out.

As I mentioned at the start of this painting, it will be this year's Christmas card from Ken, Cameron and me. I have cropped the image for the card. The card card is available online at

Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Christmas Tree" Stage Six

Building up the tree – brightening already defined areas and adding branches to fill out the tree. Also working on Santa’s face.

Deepened colors on Santa. Removed masking.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

"Christams Tree" Stage Five

Added more masking to the sparkling bits and deepened colors on the ornament.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Christmas Tree" Stage Four

I have been mainly working on the tree. Parts of the tree are drawn in detail, but I have left much loosely defined. I want to get it sorted out before I focus on Santa. I have a tendency to include everything & I don’t want to do that here.